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R 188.95
- With age, the risk of vertigo becomes increasingly likely; 30% of individuals 60 years and older, and 50% of those aged 85 years and older, experience it.
- It can be debilitating and challenging for sufferers. Vertigoheel has been utilized for over 70 years to reduce the number, duration and intensity of vertigo episodes.
- Natural elements like Anamirta cocculus and Conium maculatum, contained within Vertigoheel, have proven effective in lessening the problem.
- Positive results can typically be experienced in a short period of time.
- Standard dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet 3x daily.
- Acute or initial dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet every ½ to 1 hr., up to 12x daily, and then continue with standard dosage.
- Preferably allow the tablet to dissolve in the mouth, and then swallow. For children it is possible to crush the tablet and add to a small amount of water. This medicine should be taken away from meals.
Ingredients: 1 tablet cont.: Anamirta cocculus D4 210 mg; Conium maculatum D3, Ambra grisea D6, Petroleum rectificatum D8 30 mg each.