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R 161.95
For application in the management and alleviation of: emotional trauma, apprehension, tension, despair, sorrow, mild worry, insomnia due to psychological distress
Composition: Homoeopathic - flower essence combination complementary medicine.
- Ambra grisea
- Banisteropsis caapi Spag D60
- Clematis vitalba (Clematis) aqua inf.
- Helianthemum nummularium (Rock Rose) aqua inf.
- Impatiens glandulifera (Impatiens) aqua inf.
- Melissa officinalis Spag D3
- Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) aqua inf.
- Prunus cerasifera (Cherry Plum) aqua inf.
Homoeophatic Mode of Action:
- Ambra grisea supports the functioning of the nervous system to treat anxiety, fear, hypersensitivity, shyness and numbness of the body.
- Banisteriopsis caapi helps calm extreme nervous hypersensitivity.
- Clematis is a flower essence indicated for inability to focus on reality and the present and is useful in the treatment of shock.
- Rock Rose is the flower essence that relieves extreme fear and a feeling of panic.
- Impatiens flower essence acts on the nervous system to relieve irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity and impatience.
- Melissa officinalis has a carminative and sedative action to help induce restful sleep, prevent insomnia, soothe irritability and help cope with stress and tension.
- Star of Bethlehem is the principle flower essence specifically indicated for shock.
- Cherry plum is a flower essence that acts on the nervous system to treat anxiety and fear.
Dosage and Directions:
- Liquid: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted with a little water 3 times daily. Acute cases: while symptoms are severe, the frequency of dose may be increased to 10 drops every 15 minutes for 1 hour, thereafter, hourly for up to 1 day. It is seldom necessary to continue acute dosage for longer than 24 hours. Infants: 5- 10 drops diluted with water.
- Tablets: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. Infants: 1 crushed tablet. Acute cases: as per liquid dosage.
- Spray: 3 Sprays directly into mouth , 3 times daily. Give infants one spray. Acute cases: may be taken every 15 minutes.