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R 151.95
Homoeopathic complementary medicine:
Each 1ml of liquid contains:
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Spag D3
- Betonica officinalis Spag D3
- Capsella bursa-pastoris Spag D3
- Cnicus benedictus Spag D3
- Equisetum hiemale Spag D3
- Geranium robertianum Spag D3
- Lamium album Spag D3
- Lycopodium clavatum Spag D3
- Phaseolus vulgaris Spag D3
- Scrophularia nodosa Spag D3
- Sedum acre Spag D3
- Solidago virgaurea Spag D3
- Stellaria media Spag D3
- Verbena officinalis Spag D3
- Preservative: 20% Alcohol
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi acts mainly on the urinary system to treat blood, pus and mucus in the urine associated with dysuria.
- Betonica officinalis has an analgesic effect.
- Capsella bursa-pastoris is a strong astringent remedy which acts as a tissue tonic and is used for all types of excessive or unwanted fluid discharge.
- Cnicus benedictus acts on the portal circulatory system and the liver to help drainage of toxins from the body. It treats a furred tongue with nausea and a foul taste in the mouth, pain in the region of the liver and itching on lying down at night.
- Equisetum hiemale has a diuretic effect and acts principally on the bladder to encourage excretion of urine from the bladder.
- Geranium robertianum relieves many common symptoms of toxicity in the body like habitual nauseous headaches, dry mouth, foul ulcers, stomach irritation with mucus build-up and chronic diarrhoea with offensive mucus.
- Lamium album is used to clean the blood of toxins and support their excretion via the intestines.
- Lycopodium clavatum is a deep acting remedy which improves circulation, lymphatic drainage and liver function and improves elimination of waste from the body.
- Phaseolus vulgaris supports the function of the heart and circulatory system.
- Scrophularia nodosa acts on the lymphatic system to treat enlarged glands and on the skin to relieve symptoms of itching and eczema.
- Sedum acre has an analgesic effect.
- Solidago virgaurea improves circulation and drainage of toxins from the body.
- Stellaria media improves lymph and blood circulatory function throughout the body. Verbena officinalis affects the skin and nervous system.
- 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water 3 times daily.
- May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe.
- Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms.