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-{[{ ((ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price - ps.selectedVariant.price) / ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price * 100 ) | number:0 }]} % Natura Solaurit Heart Tonic

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.


R 167.95
Available Stock: 3
  • A homeopathic medicine which acts as a heart tonic to assist in supporting the function of the heart and assists in treatment of a weak heart, Irregular pulse, pre-diagnosed angina pectoris and breathlessness (dyspnoea).
  • This medicine is an adjuvant for treatment of angina pectoris, weak heart, irregular pulse and breathlessness and may be used to complement existing medication for the treatment of these conditions.
  • To be sure that serious conditions do not persist undetected, please ensure that angina pectoris and dyspnoea are pre-diagnosed by a suitably qualified practitioner.

Each 1ml of liquid contains:

  • Aconitum napellus D4
  • Aurum metallicum D6
  • Crataegus rhipidophylla D1
  • Kalmia latifolia D1
  • Melissa officinalis D4
  • Mentholum D2 Selenicereus (Cactus) grandiflorus D1
  • Spigelia anthelmia D4
  • Strophanthus gratus D4
  • Valeriana officinalis D1
  • Preservative: 63% Alcohol

Ingredient facts:

  • Aconitum napellus has a tonic action on heart muscle, especially if given at the onset of symptoms of stitching pain in chest and shoulder with laboured breathing and palpitations
  • Aurum metallicum is indicated for regulating heart action when there is a sensation as if the heart stopped for a few beats, the pulse is rapid, feeble and irregular and there are paroxysms of pain behind the sternum. It assists in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, palpitations and high blood pressure
  • Crataegus rhipidophylla acts as a tonic on heart muscle and as a sedative for cardiac sufferers. It helps treat hypertension, arteriosclerosis, irregular heartbeat, pain in the left chest, aortic disease, valvular murmurs and angina pectoris. It strengthens the heart muscle in the case of heart failure and protects the heart in infectious diseases
  • Kalmia latifolia has analgesic properties that help treat painful palpitations and dyspnoea. It is also indicated for treatment of an irregular pulse, palpitations and rheumatic disease of the heart. Melissa officinalis has a calming action to treat anxiety associated with cardiovascular symptoms
  • Mentholum has an analgesic effect for stabbing pains that radiate over the entire chest
  • Selenicereus grandiflorus has a dilatory effect on the circular muscle fibres of the heart and arteries, helping relieve spasmodic pain, weak heart action, palpitations, thrombosis and dyspnoea
  • Spigelia anthelmia helps relieve pericarditis, violent palpitations, irregular pulse, angina pectoris and dyspnoea, all of which are aggravated by movement
  • Strophanthus gratus improves the contractile power of muscle fibres of the heart, improving its action
  • Valeriana officinalis acts on the nervous system to reduce anxiety

Directions: Take ten drops diluted in a little water three times daily. May be taken one to two hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.